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Environmental policy

Remøy Management (Company) is fully committed to the preventing damage to the environment. Considering legislative requirements and information about significant environmental impacts, the Company will ensure that actions and activities will be undertaken to have a minimum negative impact on the environment.


The Company’s objective is to protect the environment for the existence of human life and the ecosystem of living organisms such as marine life, plants, animals and micro-organisms. It is the duty of all personnel to act responsibly to minimise environmental incidents. A Total Management System has been developed to meet the environmental management system requirements of ISO 14001.


The Company will achieve the environmental objectives by:


  • Encouraging all vessels and personnel to protect the environment.
  • Implementing processes to identify and assess environmental aspects and to mitigate the impacts.
  • Introduce programs to continuously improve the Company’s environmental performance.
  • Using a risk based approach to minimise harmful operational and accidental discharges.
  • Working to minimise environmental impact and risk related to our operations.
  • Controlling indirect emissions by reducing consumption of natural resources.
  • Developing a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) to plan operations to be energy efficient.
  • Using procurement processes which include criteria for recycling and substitution.
  • Providing environmental information and training to personnel.